Powersensor Products

Hardwired and Built-In Appliance Monitoring

One small yet smart self-install sensor can save you big on bills.

Hardwired Appliance Energy Monitor

Larger in-home appliances are often hardwired, like air conditioners, ovens, and pool pumps, and can be some of the highest energy users in your home, according to Canstar Blue, and the same goes for businesses.

Adding a sensor to a new or existing Powersensor solution allows you to monitor the energy usage of built-in hardwired appliances with an accessible conduit, such as air conditioners, and ovens.

Powersensor also works with appliances connected to outdoor power points and outlets rated above 10A. Not only can you monitor GPO plugged appliances with the WiFi Plug, but now you can self-install sensors to monitor hardwired appliances.

Gain real-time connectivity with whole-of-house energy data, wherever you go.

Hardwired appliance monitoring.
Simple self-install.

Powersensor’s promise is self-install energy and solar monitoring solutions that move with you. We allow people of all budgets and living situations to reduce their power and bills, increase their energy efficiency, putting money into their back pockets.

Our hardwired appliance monitoring solution is no different; it simply fits with new or existing Powersensor installations and provides real-time energy usage for some of your biggest bill contributors.

The breakthrough is in self-installation. We are the only self-installed hardwired appliance monitoring solution in the market.

If there is a conduit, it’s likely we monitor it.


Tech Specs

Quick Install

  • Please ensure you have already installed your Powersensor solution and add an additional sensor in the devices screen.

  • With our simple, safe self-install, the Powersensor sensor should only be mounted on the outside of a conduit.

  • Never access electrical wires, behind meter boards, or use tools of any kind.

  • Please always refer to the in app self-install guide. For more information visit  help.powersensor.com.au

Chris, Gold Coast, Australia

“My usage has gone from 14 kilowatts a day down to less than 5 or 6. That’s a direct result from using Powersensor.”