Powersensor Support

Request User Account Unbinding

Giving Your Powersensor Someone Else?

If you wish to give your Powersensor to someone you know, because you are reallocating devices within an organisation (e.g. one of our project partners), haven’t had the chance to use your Powersensor, you sold it to someone else or gifted it to someone you know.

If the following scenarios exist, you will need to request your device be unbound from your account for security reasons.

  1. If a factory reset was not performed successfully by the original owner within the device and within the Powersensor app.

  2. The original owner does not have the credentials associated with the device. 

So, if you submit the form below and answer some security questions, we unbind your device so the receiver can go through the installation process. If you don’t take these steps, the new user will receive an error.

Where can I find my serial number?

Powersensor Sensor

On the device, as shown above, under the barcode you will see reference to an S/N (serial number)

Powersensor WiFi Plug

On the device, as shown above, under the barcode you will see reference to an S/N (serial number)

Unbind your Powersensor Account

Submit the form below and answer some security questions, we will unbind your account from its device, so that the receiver can go through the installation process.

The Powersensor support team may reach out and let you know once your request has been actioned.

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